Can I integrate Vocads with other tools like Airtable, Docs, etc?
As of now, Vocads can be integrated to Presta Shop and Shopify. But soon enough, you can integrate Vocads with other tools.
As of now, Vocads can be integrated to Presta Shop and Shopify. But soon enough, you can integrate Vocads with other tools.
Click your profile icon on the bottom left of the editor and in the side menu, click “API Tokens” and you can access and find
Yes, you can! You can access your templates menu to find where they are saved. Access to our blog to learn more!
Vocads proposes native plugins for the Shopify and Prestashop plateforms. Please check for more information.
It is a maximum priority for us to ensure the privacy and the security of your data. Vocads provides state-of-the-art data protection in a secured
No you don’t need to install anything before using the Vocads solution. Just add our widget to your website and you’re all set. More information:
Webhooks can be used to inform in real-time your own information system of the events appening on your Vocads campaigns. Webhooks can be activated in
We do not have access to our customers’ data and we do not store this data. All voice conversations between our AI and the end
Credit card payment via stripe and bank transfer for custom offer.